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Odd Craft, Complete Page 13

  Love? said the night-watchman, as he watched in an abstracted fashionthe efforts of a skipper to reach a brother skipper on a passing bargewith a boathook. Don't talk to me about love, because I've sufferedenough through it. There ought to be teetotalers for love the same aswot there is for drink, and they ought to wear a piece o' ribbon to showit, the same as the teetotalers do; but not an attractive piece o'ribbon, mind you. I've seen as much mischief caused by love as by drink,and the funny thing is, one often leads to the other. Love, arter it isover, often leads to drink, and drink often leads to love and to a mancommitting himself for life afore it is over.

  Sailormen give way to it most; they see so little o' wimmen that theynaturally 'ave a high opinion of 'em. Wait till they becomenight-watchmen and, having to be at 'ome all day, see the other side of'em. If people on'y started life as night-watchmen there wouldn't be one'arf the falling in love that there is now.

  I remember one chap, as nice a fellow as you could wish to meet, too. Healways carried his sweet-heart's photograph about with 'im, and it wasthe on'y thing that cheered 'im up during the fourteen years he was castaway on a deserted island. He was picked up at last and taken 'ome, andthere she was still single and waiting for 'im; and arter spendingfourteen years on a deserted island he got another ten in quod forshooting 'er because she 'ad altered so much in 'er looks.

  Then there was Ginger Dick, a red-'aired man I've spoken about before.He went and fell in love one time when he was lodging in Wapping 'erewith old Sam Small and Peter Russet, and a nice mess 'e made of it.

  They was just back from a v'y'ge, and they 'adn't been ashore a weekafore both of 'em noticed a change for the worse in Ginger. He turnedquiet and peaceful and lost 'is taste for beer. He used to play with 'isfood instead of eating it, and in place of going out of an evening withSam and Peter took to going off by 'imself.

  "It's love," ses Peter Russet, shaking his 'ead, "and he'll be worseafore he's better."

  "Who's the gal?" ses old Sam.

  Peter didn't know, but when they came 'ome that night 'e asked. Ginger,who was sitting up in bed with a far-off look in 'is eyes, cuddling 'isknees, went on staring but didn't answer.

  "Who is it making a fool of you this time, Ginger?" ses old Sam.

  "You mind your bisness and I'll mind mine," ses Ginger, suddenly wakingup and looking very fierce.

  "No offence, mate," ses Sam, winking at Peter. "I on'y asked in case Imight be able to do you a good turn."

  "Well, you can do that by not letting her know you're a pal o' mine,"ses Ginger, very nasty.

  Old Sam didn't understand at fust, and when Peter explained to 'im hewanted to hit 'im for trying to twist Ginger's words about.

  "She don't like fat old men," ses Ginger.

  "Ho!" ses old Sam, who couldn't think of anything else to say. "Ho!don't she? Ho! Ho! indeed!"

  He undressed 'imself and got into the bed he shared with Peter, and kept'im awake for hours by telling 'im in a loud voice about all the galshe'd made love to in his life, and partikler about one gal that alwaysfainted dead away whenever she saw either a red-'aired man or a monkey.

  Peter Russet found out all about it next day, and told Sam that it was abarmaid with black 'air and eyes at the Jolly Pilots, and that shewouldn't 'ave anything to say to Ginger.

  He spoke to Ginger about it agin when they were going to bed that night,and to 'is surprise found that he was quite civil. When 'e said that hewould do anything he could for 'im, Ginger was quite affected.

  "I can't eat or drink," he ses, in a miserable voice; "I lay awake alllast night thinking of her. She's so diff'rent to other gals; she'sgot--If I start on you, Sam Small, you'll know it. You go and make thatchoking noise to them as likes it."

  "It's a bit o' egg-shell I got in my throat at break-fast this morning,Ginger," ses Sam. "I wonder whether she lays awake all night thinking ofyou?"

  "I dare say she does," ses Peter Russet, giving 'im a little push.

  "Keep your 'art up, Ginger," ses Sam; "I've known gals to 'ave the mostext'ordinary likings afore now."

  "Don't take no notice of 'im," ses Peter, holding Ginger back. "'Ow areyou getting on with her?"

  Ginger groaned and sat down on 'is bed and looked at the floor, and Samwent and sat on his till it shook so that Ginger offered to step overand break 'is neck for 'im.

  "I can't 'elp the bed shaking," ses Sam; "it ain't my fault. I didn'tmake it. If being in love is going to make you so disagreeable to yourbest friends, Ginger, you'd better go and live by yourself."

  "I 'eard something about her to-day, Ginger," ses Peter Russet. "I met achap I used to know at Bull's Wharf, and he told me that she used tokeep company with a chap named Bill Lumm, a bit of a prize-fighter, andsince she gave 'im up she won't look at anybody else."

  "Was she very fond of 'im, then?" asks Ginger.

  "I don't know," ses Peter; "but this chap told me that she won't walkout with anybody agin, unless it's another prize-fighter. Her pridewon't let her, I s'pose."

  "Well, that's all right, Ginger," ses Sam; "all you've got to do is togo and be a prize-fighter."

  "If I 'ave any more o' your nonsense--" ses Ginger, starting up.

  "That's right," ses Sam; "jump down anybody's throat when they're tryingto do you a kindness. That's you all over, Ginger, that is. Wot's toprevent you telling 'er that you're a prize-fighter from Australia orsomewhere? She won't know no better."

  He got up off the bed and put his 'ands up as Ginger walked across theroom to 'im, but Ginger on'y wanted to shake 'ands, and arter he 'addone that 'e patted 'im on the back and smiled at 'im.

  "I'll try it," he ses. "I'd tell any lies for 'er sake. Ah! you don'tknow wot love is, Sam."

  "I used to," ses Sam, and then he sat down agin and began to tell 'emall the love-affairs he could remember, until at last Peter Russet gottired and said it was 'ard to believe, looking at 'im now, wot a perfickterror he'd been with gals, and said that the face he'd got now was ajudgment on 'im. Sam shut up arter that, and got into trouble with Peterin the middle o' the night by waking 'im up to tell 'im something thathe 'ad just thought of about his face.

  The more Ginger thought o' Sam's idea the more he liked it, and the verynext evening 'e took Peter Russet into the private bar o' the JollyPilots. He ordered port wine, which he thought seemed more 'igh-classthan beer, and then Peter Russet started talking to Miss Tucker and toldher that Ginger was a prize-fighter from Sydney, where he'd beateverybody that stood up to 'im.

  The gal seemed to change toward Ginger all in a flash, and 'er beautifulblack eyes looked at 'im so admiring that he felt quite faint. Shestarted talking to 'im about his fights at once, and when at last 'eplucked up courage to ask 'er to go for a walk with 'im on Sundayarternoon she seemed quite delighted.

  "It'll be a nice change for me," she ses, smiling. "I used to walk outwith a prize-fighter once before, and since I gave 'im up I began tothink I was never going to 'ave a young man agin. You can't think 'owdull it's been."

  "Must ha' been," ses Ginger.

  "I s'pose you've got a taste for prize-fighters, miss," ses PeterRusset.

  "No," ses Miss Tucker; "I don't think that it's that exactly, but, yousee, I couldn't 'ave anybody else. Not for their own sakes."

  "Why not?" ses Ginger, looking puzzled.

  "Why not?" ses Miss Tucker. "Why, because o' Bill. He's such a 'orridjealous disposition. After I gave 'im up I walked out with a youngfellow named Smith; fine, big, strapping chap 'e was, too, and I neversaw such a change in any man as there was in 'im after Bill 'ad donewith 'im. I couldn't believe it was 'im. I told Bill he ought to beashamed of 'imself."

  "Wot did 'e say?" asks Ginger.

  "Don't ask me wot 'e said," ses Miss Tucker, tossing her 'ead. "Notliking to be beat, I 'ad one more try with a young fellow named CharlieWebb."

  "Wot 'appened to 'im?" ses Peter Russet, arter waiting a bit for 'er tofinish.

  "I can't bear to talk of it," ses Miss Tucker, holding up Ginger's glas
sand giving the counter a wipe down. "He met Bill, and I saw 'im sixweeks afterward just as 'e was being sent away from the 'ospital to aseaside home. Bill disappeared after that."

  "Has he gone far away?" ses Ginger, trying to speak in a off-'and way.

  "Oh, he's back now," ses Miss Tucker. "You'll see 'im fast enough, and,wotever you do, don't let 'im know you're a prize-fighter."

  "Why not?" ses pore Ginger.

  "Because o' the surprise it'll be to 'im," ses Miss Tucker. "Let 'imrush on to 'is doom. He'll get a lesson 'e don't expect, the bully.Don't be afraid of 'urting 'im. Think o' pore Smith and Charlie Webb."

  "I am thinkin' of 'em," ses Ginger, slow-like. "Is--is Bill--very quick--with his 'ands?"

  "Rather," ses Miss Tucker; "but o' course he ain't up to your mark; he'son'y known in these parts."

  She went off to serve a customer, and Ginger Dick tried to catch Peter'seye, but couldn't, and when Miss Tucker came back he said 'e must begoing.

  "Sunday afternoon at a quarter past three sharp, outside 'ere," she ses."Never mind about putting on your best clothes, because Bill is sure tobe hanging about. I'll take care o' that."

  She reached over the bar and shook 'ands with 'im, and Ginger felt athrill go up 'is arm which lasted 'im all the way 'ome.

  He didn't know whether to turn up on Sunday or not, and if it 'adn't ha'been for Sam and Peter Russet he'd ha' most likely stayed at home. Notthat 'e was a coward, being always ready for a scrap and gin'rallyspeaking doing well at it, but he made a few inquiries about Bill Lummand 'e saw that 'e had about as much chance with 'im as a kitten would'ave with a bulldog.

  Sam and Peter was delighted, and they talked about it as if it was apantermime, and old Sam said that when he was a young man he'd ha'fought six Bill Lumms afore he'd ha' given a gal up. He brushed Ginger'sclothes for 'im with 'is own hands on Sunday afternoon, and, when Gingerstarted, 'im and Peter follered some distance behind to see fair play.

  The on'y person outside the Jolly Pilots when Ginger got there was aman; a strong-built chap with a thick neck, very large 'ands, and a nosewhich 'ad seen its best days some time afore. He looked 'ard at Gingeras 'e came up, and then stuck his 'ands in 'is trouser pockets and spaton the pavement. Ginger walked a little way past and then back agin, andjust as he was thinking that 'e might venture to go off, as Miss Tucker'adn't come, the door opened and out she came.

  "I couldn't find my 'at-pins," she ses, taking Ginger's arm and smilingup into 'is face.

  Before Ginger could say anything the man he 'ad noticed took his 'andsout of 'is pockets and stepped up to 'im.

  "Let go o' that young lady's arm," he ses. "Sha'n't," ses Ginger,holding it so tight that Miss Tucker nearly screamed.

  "Let go 'er arm and put your 'ands up," ses the chap agin.

  "Not 'ere," ses Ginger, who 'ad laid awake the night afore thinking wotto do if he met Bill Lumm. "If you wish to 'ave a spar with me, my lad,you must 'ave it where we can't be interrupted. When I start on a man Ilike to make a good job of it."

  "Good job of it!" ses the other, starting. "Do you know who I am?"

  "No, I don't," ses Ginger, "and, wot's more, I don't care."

  "My name," ses the chap, speaking in a slow, careful voice, "is BillLumm."

  "Wot a 'orrid name!" ses Ginger.

  "Otherwise known as the Wapping Basher," ses Bill, shoving 'is face intoGinger's and glaring at 'im.

  "Ho!" ses Ginger, sniffing, "a amatoor."

  "Amatoor?" ses Bill, shouting.

  "That's wot we should call you over in Australia," ses Ginger; "my nameis Dick Duster, likewise known as the Sydney Puncher. I've killed threemen in the ring and 'ave never 'ad a defeat."

  "Well, put 'em up," ses Bill, doubling up 'is fists and shaping at 'im.

  "Not in the street, I tell you," ses Ginger, still clinging tight toMiss Tucker's arm. "I was fined five pounds the other day for punching aman in the street, and the magistrate said it would be 'ard labour forme next time. You find a nice, quiet spot for some arternoon, and I'llknock your 'ead off with pleasure."

  "I'd sooner 'ave it knocked off now," ses Bill; "I don't like waitingfor things."

  "Thursday arternoon," ses Ginger, very firm; "there's one or twogentlemen want to see a bit o' my work afore backing me, and we cancombine bisness with pleasure."

  He walked off with Miss Tucker, leaving Bill Lumm standing on thepavement scratching his 'ead and staring arter 'im as though 'e didn'tquite know wot to make of it. Bill stood there for pretty near fiveminutes, and then arter asking Sam and Peter, who 'ad been standing bylistening, whether they wanted anything for themselves, walked off toask 'is pals wot they knew about the Sydney Puncher.

  Ginger Dick was so quiet and satisfied about the fight that old Sam andPeter couldn't make 'im out at all. He wouldn't even practise punchingat a bolster that Peter rigged up for 'im, and when 'e got a messagefrom Bill Lumm naming a quiet place on the Lea Marshes he agreed to itas comfortable as possible.

  "Well, I must say, Ginger, that I like your pluck," ses Peter Russet.

  "I always 'ave said that for Ginger; 'e's got pluck," ses Sam.

  Ginger coughed and tried to smile at 'em in a superior sort o' way. "Ithought you'd got more sense," he ses, at last. "You don't think I'mgoing, do you?"

  "Wot?" ses old Sam, in a shocked voice.

  "You're never going to back out of it, Ginger?" ses Peter.

  "I am," ses Ginger. "If you think I'm going to be smashed up by aprize-fighter just to show my pluck you're mistook."

  "You must go, Ginger," ses old Sam, very severe. "It's too late to backout of it now. Think of the gal. Think of 'er feelings."

  "For the sake of your good name," ses Peter.

  "I should never speak to you agin, Ginger," ses old Sam, pursing up 'islips.

  "Nor me neither," ses Peter Russet.

  "To think of our Ginger being called a coward," ses old Sam, with ashudder, "and afore a gal, too."

  "The loveliest gal in Wapping," ses Peter.

  "Look 'ere," ses Ginger, "you can shut up, both of you. I'm not going,and that's the long and short of it. I don't mind an ordinary man, but Idraw the line at prize-fighters."

  Old Sam sat down on the edge of 'is bed and looked the picture ofdespair. "You must go, Ginger," he ses, "for my sake."

  "Your sake?" ses Ginger, staring.

  "I've got money on it," ses Sam, "so's Peter. If you don't turn up allbets'll be off."

  "Good job for you, too," ses Ginger. "If I did turn up you'd lose it, toa dead certainty."

  Old Sam coughed and looked at Peter, and Peter 'e coughed and looked atSam.

  "You don't understand, Ginger," said Sam, in a soft voice; "it ain'toften a chap gets the chance o' making a bit o' money these 'ard times."

  "So we've put all our money on Bill Lumm," ses Peter. "It's the safestand easiest way o' making money I ever 'eard of. You see, we know you'renot a prize-fighter and the others don't."

  Pore Ginger looked at 'em, and then 'e called 'em all the names he couldlay 'is tongue to, but, with the idea o' the money they was going make,they didn't mind a bit. They let him 'ave 'is say, and that night theybrought 'ome two other sailormen wot 'ad bet agin Ginger to share theirroom, and, though they 'ad bet agin 'im, they was so fond of 'im that itwas evident that they wasn't going to leave 'im till the fight was over.

  Ginger gave up then, and at twelve o'clock next day they started off tofind the place. Mr. Webson, the landlord of the Jolly Pilots, a short,fat man o' fifty, wot 'ad spoke to Ginger once or twice, went with 'em,and all the way to the station he kept saying wot a jolly spot it wasfor that sort o' thing. Perfickly private; nice soft green grass to beknocked down on, and larks up in the air singing away as if they'd neverleave off.

  They took the train to Homerton, and, being a slack time o' the day, theporters was surprised to see wot a lot o' people was travelling by it.So was Ginger. There was the landlords of 'arf the public-'ouses inWapping, all smoking big cigars; two dock policemen
in plain clothes,wot 'ad got the arternoon off--one with a raging toothache and the otherwith a baby wot wasn't expected to last the day out. They was as full o'fun as kittens, and the landlord o' the Jolly Pilots pointed out toGinger wot reasonable 'uman beings policemen was at 'art. Besides themthere was quite a lot o' sailormen, even skippers and mates, nearly allof 'em smoking big cigars, too, and looking at Ginger out of the cornerof one eye and at the Wapping Basher out of the corner of the other.

  "Hit 'ard and hit straight," ses the landlord to Ginger in a low voice,as they got out of the train and walked up the road. "'Ow are youfeeling?"

  "I've got a cold coming on," ses pore Ginger, looking at the Basher, whowas on in front, "and a splitting 'eadache, and a sharp pain all down myleft leg. I don't think----"

  "Well, it's a good job it's no worse," ses the land-lord; "all you'vegot to do is to hit 'ard. If you win it's a 'undered pounds in mypocket, and I'll stand you a fiver of it. D'ye understand?"

  They turned down some little streets, several of 'em going diff'rentways, and arter crossing the River Lea got on to the marshes, and, asthe landlord said, the place might ha' been made for it.

  A little chap from Mile End was the referee, and Bill Lumm, 'avingpeeled, stood looking on while Ginger took 'is things off and slowly andcarefully folded 'em up. Then they stepped toward each other, Billtaking longer steps than Ginger, and shook 'ands; immediately arterwhich Bill knocked Ginger head over 'eels.

  "Time!" was called, and the landlord o' the Jolly Pilots, who wasnursing Ginger on 'is knee, said that it was nothing at all, and thatbleeding at the nose was a sign of 'ealth. But as it happened Ginger wasthat mad 'e didn't want any encouragement, he on'y wanted to kill BillLumm.

  He got two or three taps in the next round which made his 'ead ring, andthen he got 'ome on the mark and follered it up by a left-'anded punchon Bill's jaw that surprised 'em both--Bill because he didn't thinkGinger could hit so 'ard, and Ginger because 'e didn't think thatprize-fighters 'ad any feelings.

  They clinched and fell that round, and the land-lord patted Ginger onthe back and said that if he ever 'ad a son he 'oped he'd grow up like'im.

  Ginger was surprised at the way 'e was getting on, and so was old Samand Peter Russet, and when Ginger knocked Bill down in the sixth roundSam went as pale as death. Ginger was getting marked all over, but hestuck, to 'is man, and the two dock policemen, wot 'ad put their moneyon Bill Lumm, began to talk of their dooty, and say as 'ow the fightought to be stopped.

  At the tenth round Bill couldn't see out of 'is eyes, and kept wasting'is strength on the empty air, and once on the referee. Ginger watched'is opportunity, and at last, with a terrific smash on the point o'Bill's jaw, knocked 'im down and then looked round for the landlord'sknee.

  Bill made a game try to get up when "Time!" was called, but couldn't;and the referee, who was 'olding a 'andkerchief to 'is nose, gave thefight to Ginger.

  It was the proudest moment o' Ginger Dick's life. He sat there like aking, smiling 'orribly, and Sam's voice as he paid 'is losings soundedto 'im like music, in spite o' the words the old man see fit to use. Itwas so 'ard to get Peter Russet's money that it a'most looked as thoughthere was going to be another prize-fight, but 'e paid up at last andwent off, arter fust telling Ginger part of wot he thought of 'im.

  There was a lot o' quarrelling, but the bets was all settled at last,and the landlord o' the Jolly Pilots, who was in 'igh feather with themoney he'd won, gave Ginger the five pounds he'd promised and took him'ome in a cab.

  "You done well, my lad," he ses. "No, don't smile. It looks as thoughyour 'ead's coming off."

  "I 'ope you'll tell Miss Tucker 'ow I fought," ses Ginger.

  "I will, my lad," ses the landlord; "but you'd better not see 'er forsome time, for both your sakes."

  "I was thinking of 'aving a day or two in bed," ses Ginger.

  "Best thing you can do," ses the landlord; "and mind, don't you everfight Bill Lumm agin. Keep out of 'is way."

  "Why? I beat 'im once, an' I can beat 'im agin," ses Ginger, offended.

  "Beat 'im?" ses the landlord. He took 'is cigar out of 'is mouth asthough 'e was going to speak, and then put it back agin and looked outof the window.

  "Yes, beat 'im," ses Ginger'. "You was there and saw it."

  "He lost the fight a-purpose," ses the landlord, whispering. "MissTucker found out that you wasn't a prize-fighter--leastways, I did for'er--and she told Bill that, if 'e loved 'er so much that he'd 'ave 'issinful pride took down by letting you beat 'im, she'd think diff'rent of'im. Why, 'e could 'ave settled you in a minute if he'd liked. He wason'y playing with you."

  Ginger stared at 'im as if 'e couldn't believe 'is eyes. "Playing?" heses, feeling 'is face very gently with the tips of his fingers.

  "Yes," ses the landlord; "and if he ever hits you agin you'll know I'mspeaking the truth."

  Ginger sat back all of a heap and tried to think. "Is Miss Tucker goingto keep company with 'im agin, then?" he ses, in a faint voice.

  "No," ses the landlord; "you can make your mind easy on that point."

  "Well, then, if I walk out with 'er I shall 'ave to fight Bill all overagin," ses Ginger.

  The landlord turned to 'im and patted 'im on the shoulder. "Don't youtake up your troubles afore they come, my lad," he ses, kindly; "andmind and keep wot I've told you dark, for all our sakes."

  He put 'im down at the door of 'is lodgings and, arter shaking 'andswith 'im, gave the landlady a shilling and told 'er to get somebeefsteak and put on 'is face, and went home. Ginger went straight offto bed, and the way he carried on when the landlady fried the steakafore bringing it up showed 'ow upset he was.

  It was over a week afore he felt 'e could risk letting Miss Tucker see'im, and then at seven o'clock one evening he felt 'e couldn't wait anylonger, and arter spending an hour cleaning 'imself he started out forthe Jolly Pilots.

  He felt so 'appy at the idea o' seeing her agin that 'e forgot all aboutBill Lumm, and it gave 'im quite a shock when 'e saw 'im standingoutside the Pilots. Bill took his 'ands out of 'is pockets when he saw'im and came toward 'im.

  "It's no good to-night, mate," he ses; and to Ginger's great surpriseshook 'ands with 'im.

  "No good?" ses Ginger, staring.

  "No," ses Bill; "he's in the little back-parlour, like a whelk in 'isshell; but we'll 'ave 'im sooner or later."

  "Him? Who?" ses Ginger, more puzzled than ever.

  "Who?" ses Bill; "why, Webson, the landlord. You don't mean to tell meyou ain't heard about it?"

  "Heard wot?" ses Ginger. "I haven't 'card any-thing. I've been indoorswith a bad cold all the week."

  "Webson and Julia Tucker was married at eleven o'clock yesterdaymorning," ses Bill Lumm, in a hoarse voice. "When I think of the wayI've been done, and wot I've suffered, I feel 'arf crazy. He won a'undered pounds through me, and then got the gal I let myself bedisgraced for. I 'ad an idea some time ago that he'd got 'is eye onher."

  Ginger Dick didn't answer 'im a word. He staggered back and braced'imself up agin the wall for a bit, and arter staring at Bill Lumm in awild way for pretty near three minutes he crawled back to 'is lodgingsand went straight to bed agin.